There is a very small fish[1] that is in the habit of living
among the rocks, and is known as the echeneis.[2] It is believed
that when this has attached itself to the keel of a ship its pro-
gress is impeded, and that it is from this circumstance that it
takes its name.[3] For this reason, also, it has a disgraceful
repute, as being employed in love philtres,[4] and for the purpose of retarding judgments and legal proceedings—evil properties, which are only compensated by a single merit that it
possesses—it is good for staying fluxes of the womb in pregnant women, and preserves the fœtus up to birth: it is never
used, however, for food.[5] Aristotle[6] is of opinion that this fish
has feet, so strong is the resemblance, by reason of the form and
position of the fins.
Mucianus speaks of a murex[7] of larger size than the purple,
with a head that is neither rough nor round; and the shell
of which is single, and falls in folds on either side.[8] He tells
us, also, that some of these creatures once attached themselves
to a ship freighted with children[9] of noble birth, who were
being sent by Periander for the purpose of being castrated,
and that they stopped its course in full sail; and he further
says, that the shell-fish which did this service are duly honoured in the temple of Venus,[10] at Cnidos. Trebius Niger
says that this fish is a foot in length, and that it can retard
the course of vessels, five fingers in thickness; besides which,
it has another peculiar property-when preserved in salt, and
applied, it is able to draw up gold which has fallen into a well,
however deep it may happen to be.[11]
1. This is also from Aristotle, Hist. Anim. 1. ii. c. 17. Oppian also
mentions it, Halieut. B. i. 1. 223, et seq., but he gives it all the character-
istics of the modern lamprey.
2. This is the Echeueis remora of Linnæus, Cuvier says. It has upon
the head an organ, by means of which it can attach itself to any body.
It is thus enabled to fasten to ships and larger fishes; but as for staving a
ship, it has not, as Cuvier remarks, the slightest power over the very smallest boat. All the eloquence, therefore, which Pliny expends upon it, in B.
xxxii. c. 1, is entirely thrown away.
3. )Apo\ tou= e)\xein nh=as. "From holding back ships."
4. Used for the purpose of bringing back lost love, or preventing incon-
5. Aristotle, Hist. Anim. B, ii. c. 17.
6. Hardouin says that it is very possible that Aristotle may have written
to this effect in some one of the fifty books of his that have perished, but that
such is not the case in his account given of this fish in his Hist. Anim. B.
ii. c. 17, for there he expressly says, "There are some people that say this
fish has feet, whereas it has none at all; but they are deceived by the fins,
which bear a resemblance to feet." Cuvier says he cannot see in what way
the fins of the remora, or sucking-fish, resemble feet, any more than those
belonging to any other fish.
7. Cuvier says, that the shell-fish to which Pliny here ascribes a power
similar to that of the remora, is, if we may judge from his description of
it, of the genus called Cypræa, and has very little doubt that its peculiar
form caused its consecration to Venus, fully as much as its supposed miraculous powers. He also remarks that Hardouin, in his Note upon this
passage, supposes an impossibility, in suggesting that the lips of this shellfish can bite the sides of a ship; these lips or edges being hard and immoveable. For some curious particulars as to the peculiar form of some
kinds of Cypræa, or cowry, and why they more especially attracted attention, and were held sacred to Venus, see the discussion on them, in the
Defence made by Apuleius against the charge of sorcery, which was brought
against him.
8. Rondelet, B. xiii. c. 12, says that this kind of shell was formerly used
for the purpose of smoothing paper.
9. Herodotus tells us, B. iii. c. 48, that these were 300 boys of noble
families of the Corcyræans, and that they were being sent from Periander
of Corinth, to Alyattes, king of Sardes.
10. Venus was fabled to have emerged from the sea in a shell.
11. Rabelais refers to these wonderful stories about the echeneis or remora,
B. iv. c. 62: "And indeed, why should he have thought this difficult, seeing
that——an echeneis or remora, a silly, weakly fish, in spite of all the
winds that blow from the thirty-two points of the compass, will in the
midst of a hurricane make you, the biggest first-rate, remain stock still, as
if she were becalmed, or the blustering tribe had blown their last; nay,
and with the flesh of that fish, preserved with salt, you may fish gold out
of the deepest well that ever was sounded with a plummet; for it will
certainly draw up the precious metal."